Before we get into this weeks HBSB, I need to explain some things to any of you who are unfamiliar to this. I realized after I posted last week that it probably would have been a good idea to do that then. Oops. So here it is (oh, if you're a regular to HBSB you can skip this), readers (YOU!) send in questions they (YOU!) would like answered. Say, things the opposite sex does or doesn't do that confuses you. Then
Petra and I choose four per week and give you a male and female perspective on them. So go ahead and ask, anything you'd like to know. Speed of light? 299,792,458 metres per second. That doesn't really have anything to do with relationships, but I'm here for you.
So today we have four new questions. I'll be answering mine here and Petra will be answering the same ones over at
The Wise (*Young*) Mommy. Go check her out. Really, not hard on the eyes, that one. *wink* Then you can laugh, cry or spit profanities at your monitor and come up with some questions. What? Um, boxers.
Ok, so first out of the gate is...
Cat? Seriously? Again? Ok, Cat's question:
"Metrosexuals" - awesome new breed of hetero, or same old breed of in denial?
Well, since starting my forced sabbatical I've fallen back into the realm of sweat pants and shaving whenever, but when I was working, I rode that pretty boy train. Man bag, moisturizers and co-ordinated outfits, oh yes. A man likes to feel pretty sometimes. In my previous to my previous job it was all jeans, t-shirt and steel-toed boots, but then I transferred to a department full of women. And women, they change you. It's osmosis, you can't escape it. First it's a dab of hand cream just to get them off your back, but then you notice how nice it smells every time you answer the phone. Moisturizer? Hey! My skin
does look better.
I'd have been a much better metrosexual if I'd been paid more, but I did my best. Denial? Oh no, Cat.

How you doin?
Tony said - there are a few things I've wondered about, such as:
Why do women try on 20 different things, asking us how they look in each one and then end up wearing the first thing they tried on?
Why do women ask us which shoe matches their outfit better - dude, I don't even care if they wear shoes or not much less if they match their outfit.
Tony, I'm with ya, brother. I think both these questions can be lumped together since they're pretty much the same thing. Ladies, thank you very much for trying to include us, we appreciate it, but we both know that the only reason you're asking is because you don't have a friend or sister around to ask instead. Really, this question is a double edged sword. First, we don't want to answer. We've been dressed for half an hour already (or, we already know exactly what we're going to put on and have some spare time) and we've sat back down to watch some TV while we wait for you. You've put us in an awkward position because A: we don't know and B: you're now interrupting whatever it is we're watching. Second, if we don't give you an answer (which you don't want anyway) and either blow you off or pick some easy option you've given us, then you get mad because we're not helping or... whatever. Seriously, you were dressing yourself well before we came into the picture. Keep up the good work.
A Lawyer Mom's Musings said...
Hmm. I've got a few questions.
Like, how come men are born knowing how to clean fish and can even eat those same fish afterward?
How come men have no problem looking at a naked uncooked turkey and removing the giblets, while women (if they're like me) run from the kitchen heaving at the sight?
Ha! That's funny Lawyer's Mom. If I want clean fish I go out for sushi. Mmmm, sushi. What? Sorry. Clean a fish? Like with soap and water? I don't get it. You mean like pull out its guts and stuff after cutting its head off? I don't think so. I know there are lots of men like this, and good for you all. Personally, I've never eaten anything I've killed. I'm not into cannibalism. Er... I mean... I live in a large city so there's no reason for me to hunt. Ya.
Moving on.
DC Urban Dad asks:
How about shoes?
Or okay, sex.
Sex with shoes? I don't judge these kind of things, Matt, if that works for you, well you go for it, brother. Can't say it does anything for me, but then again, I've never tried. Never had sex with a man either, but I think I'll put both of them on the shelf with things I'm going to skip this lifetime.
And there's week two down. Hope you enjoyed the show, and make sure you head over to
Petra's to see the other side of this. Unless you're coming from there. Seriously though, send Petra and me some questions.