Monday was (is) a holiday here in Canadaland. Queen Victoria's birthday. I don't know, we needed a holiday in May. Anyway, Mother Nature, being the ruthless bitch that she is, saw fit to give us rain over the weekend and then sun today. Plus a frigid and bitter wind that was a real treat on the beach this afternoon (yesterday). While I was trying to build shelter to save myself from hypothermia my youngest was soaking himself up to the waist in the ocean and ignoring daddy's pleas to go home.
Dragonfly in Louisiana courtesy of The Big Picture. The spots on its wings are oil.
When we did go home the boys decided to fight for the rest of the day. Yay holidays!
Very cool Beatles cake.
Doesn't care what the cake is, as long as it's his.
(For those who confuse easily, he is not eating the Beatles cake.)
Life in retail. My department carries personal shavers along with housewares, and Saturday afternoon I had a mother and her teenage daughter looking at a couple and asking if they could look at two of them (they're locked for security). Now, I did have a couple points to make regarding the similarities and differences between the two products, but how does one, in particular one who stands to pee, broach the subject of whether you're intending to shave your legs or, er... maintain the lawn?
I wish I wasn't poor.
iPad + Velcro from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.
via oneplusinfinity
Supreme Leader and Baby Fish Lips (movie?)are doing well. His exit visa is up on June 9th or 10th, barring further volcanic activity in Iceland that could keep our doctor in Europe instead of here performing the caesarian. He'll be four weeks early, but the doctor has decided that, all things considered, better out than in by then. She is still on bed rest and we're pretty much... well, we're not ready at all. Hence the dearth in posts or visits lately. Whatever. Once I've walked him home from the hospital because we don't have a car seat we'll just wrap him in newspaper because he has no clothes and he can sleep with us because... wait, we do have a crib. Woot! One thing off the list.
The Un-Mom's. Go.