Tuesday, January 19, 2010

RTT: Hotdogs, Ninja's and Willpower

As I write this I'm having lemon pie and chocolate chip cookies for a snack. I justify this with the fact that I actually dusted off my Wii Fit board and used it again today and that I only had a smoothie for dinner. In hindsight, maybe if I'd had more than a stupid smoothie for dinner I wouldn't be eating like a pig now.


My willpower is much like a pipe cleaner, soft and flexible.

Must have's:

Is that not an awesome bike or what?

Light tape. Light TAPE!

Idea paint. Just click on it, because no picture I can upload will be as cool as what you can see from their website. And no, I'm not going to Rick-roll you. Seriously, if anybody is still pulling that they should be burned at the stake.

This weekend we were out and about doing... something. Whatever, it's irrelevant. We stopped at the grocery store so I could go run in and get something and while I'm gone the song September by Green Day comes on. The first line goes:
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when September ends.

My four year old says to Supreme Leader, "the innocence can never last in the time of dinosaurs"

Finally, from my six year old.
Connor: This pocket is where my ninja gets his hot dogs.

I couldn't make this stuff up.

Keely's, go and frolic.


  1. The innocence can never last in the time of dinosaurs.
    Words for the times.

    I think I need to paint my entire house with the idea paint. I would love to be able to just erase everything that ends up on my walls.

  2. I need some of that idea paint. And some chalkboard paint for the kids' rooms. And LIGHT TAPE?? Ohmigosh!

  3. Mr. HH and Indy must never, ever, ever see light tape. Seriously.

  4. Nice bike! Are you driving a mini van when you are cranking your Green Day? lol

    Kids really say the weirdest stuff!

    I am glad that you liked my cock! Boy, that really sounds bad when taken out of context! hahaha

  5. I am living in the time of dinosaurs...

    Great stuff. You could turn that into a cool story. Or a blog post! Wait, you already did :)

  6. You like that bicycle? Seriously? It looks like it's half way to a recumbent bike, and the dude riding it looks, well, uncomfortable. But, then again, the dude riding it doesn't look like much of an athletic specimen.

  7. I'm laughing at Otin's comment about cranking Green Day while driving the mini van. So hip.

    I love your 6 year old's comment with the hot dogs. Where else would a ninja keep a hot dog?

    Damn, I'm hungry now.

  8. The right smoothie for dinner can work, you can make it until breakfast time!


  9. where my ninja gets his hotdogs....that is amazing!

    kids really should have their own blogs!

    the kid rocks!

  10. I agree with Brian, kids should have their own blogs, especially your kids!

    Can think of tons of fun things to do with that light tape!

  11. Both those boys of yours are deep. And, I mean that in a good way.

  12. Amazing comments. Simply amazing. And so true. Innocence and the innocent stand no chance against dinosaurs.

  13. From the English majors in the crowd...we really need to have a conversation about apostrophe's.

  14. I can't believe he already has his own ninja. They get them younger and younger these days.

  15. I don't know if I'd pair lemon pie with chocolate chip cookies. I might have to test that.

  16. the bike rocks! the conversation, priceless, lol

  17. "Rickroll" haha! Haven't heard that in a while! I love the idea paint! I have been wanting to paint my walls since we moved in 7 years ago, maybe I'll look into this more!

  18. Oh...My...God.

    When I get a house, I am so totally painting my bedroom in idea paint.

  19. Luckily for ninjas, their swords can provide double duty for those times they happen upon a wienie roast in a bad neighborhood.

  20. wow, idea paint. i need that for my whole house so my kid will stop picassoing my walls. maybe then i'd actually clean up after him.

  21. That's some cool looking tape.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  22. I wish I lived in the time of Dinosaurs!
    Funny, funny kids!

    I want the light tape - NOW! I can think of so many uses - most involve taping teenagers mouths' shut or taping them to a chair or something equally fun!

    Happy Tuesday!

  23. Mmmmmm. Lemon meringue pie and hot dogs.

    (And snap! I spelled meringue right on the first try!)

    (And I just went back to double check your spelling and saw that you had lemon pie. Not lemon meringue. Dammit.)

  24. The last two posts...hmmmmmm. Your kids get their ideation from your wife! The randomness of their comments is awesome! I hope no one ever crushes their creativity!

  25. I'm going to start carrying hot dogs in my pocket to see if I can attract some ninjas of my very own.

  26. that paint is the most kick-ass idea i've seen in a long time

    and is that hot dog in YOUR pocket ?

  27. Deep thoughts and hilarity clearly abound at your house. I love hearing about both.

  28. I love the way your mind works. Love the random thoughts. Your kids are BRILLIANT!

  29. I am so getting that paint for my daughter's room. What a great idea. In fact the whole house gets painted in Idea Paint.

  30. Mmm, idea paint. That's good.

  31. Seriously do the Red Hot Chili Peppers know about your son?

    "This pocket is where my ninja gets his hot dogs".

    I could so see Kiedis spittin' that
    and Flea going ape-shit on the bass-line

    Yeah..and the innocence could never last in the time of dinosaurs..that's pure MGMT

    get your kids an agent..pronto

    Peace ~ Rene

  32. I seriously need to get some of that light tape - it would keep Princess Nagger occupied for hours. And where was that Idea Paint when I needed it most? As in when PN was deciding paper was too small a canvas to create art and expanded to the floors... walls... doors... toilets. Yes, toilets.

    And I LOVE "The innocence can never last in the time of dinosaurs." Out of the mouth of babes! And Princess Nagger would absolutely agree. ;)

  33. I see I'm late to the party, but I had to say...

    I love the shit kids say!

  34. I need me one of those bikes... That and the comedy genius provided by children :0)

  35. "My willpower is much like a pipe cleaner, soft and flexible."

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! That's the funniest thing I've read in a while.

  36. We saw the idea paint when we were thinking about ideas for LG's room. How cool would it have been to have a dry erase room??? It's expensive, though. Sigh.

    That's where his ninja gets his hotdogs, huh? You'll have to write that one down so he can use it in college...

  37. that's weird. we've been debating idea tape in our 8yos room for a while now.

  38. Smoothies arrn't good for dinner. I've never seen tape like that, and your son had me laughing:"Connor: This pocket is where my ninja gets his hot dogs"
    I've been under the weather and you have added a lot to your blog I will be back.

    Gerardine Baugh

  39. Damnit, your linky for idea paint isn't working. Hook me up. I love the shit your kids say. It's truly entertaining.

  40. don't starve yourself, you'll need all that
    energy to keep up with the your kids lines.
    Think u have 2 budding stand up comedians or
    philospher's there.
    We've just aquired some "silver bullets."
    No, they are not a new enema package, they
    are individual smoothie makers. yum...

  41. I love the quotes. What imaginations. My six year old neighbor always has gems like that - but my favorite so far was, "do you like my pinecone? It's just any pinecone...it helps me predict the weather."

  42. How much do you love me, Cap'n? I just tagged you with a meme.

  43. Idea paint is amazing. Seriously. I want to paint our whole basement in it.

  44. I nominated you for the Blogger award on my site.
    Gerardine Baugh

  45. Paint 1 wall of your kids' room with idea paint. You'll be set for life with blog material so it is a good investment

  46. I need a hot dog pocket too, and some light tape.

  47. Behind every great blogger is at LEAST one kid. or 24.

  48. Oh wow, I want idea paint so bad! But that said, I wonder what would be involved in turning a wall of my office into a giant chalkboard?

  49. Light tape?! Where do I sign up?! HEY - I just noticed your tweet about me. Aw, thank you! SO KIND. I was wondering how all those folks found me again. As always, you are a scholar and a hairy gentleman. Wait...

  50. I say it all the time; kids are genius.

    me: you need to be quiet and focused in class. your brain needs to be like a sponge while Mrs. G is talking.

    E: why? her words are not like water.

  51. That is the best thing I've ever heard (or in this case, read) a child say. He's awesome.

  52. As always a smorgesbord of great Randomness. Never quit this Cap'n

  53. My diet sounds a lot like yours.

    The FOUR YEAR OLD said that? I'm astounded!

    Now I think I'll go play with the light tape...

  54. I've seen chalkboard paint but not whiteboard paint. So. Cool.

  55. That idea paint looks way cooler than the shit they sell at home depot. Don't waste your money on that, it doesn't work.

    Screw you getting a book deal, I think your kids need to try for one.


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.