Is there any movie that can not be made better with the addition of a TIE fighter and light sabers? I think not.
Watching my wife struggle through all the joys of pregnancy makes me so very very happy I was born with a penis. Miracle of childbirth? Ya, you can keep it.
Pi plate.
Get it?
Kashi would be more appealing if it didn't taste like a handful of wood chips and dirt.
Giant Darth Vader balloon head. Just because. I'd tie this to my roof if I could afford it.
Did Jesus ask to get super-sized? Researchers at the Cornell Food and Brand Lab studied fifty-two depictions of The Last Supper painted between 1000 AD and 2000 AD and discovered that:
"portion sizes of main courses (usually eel, lamb and pork) depicted in the paintings grew by 69 percent over time, while plate size grew by 66 percent and bread size grew by 23 percent."
And sticking with religious art, have you ever seen the Sistine Chapel? Click on this. No, seriously. Do it. Ok, if you don't do it now, come back later and do it. And be patient if if takes a moment or two to load, just think how long it took to paint.
Ok, that's all I got. For more Random Tuesday foolishness, click on the purple button.