Tuesday, January 12, 2010

RTT: He Was Made Of Snow But The Children Know...

Connor: Do you know what this is? (splashing through puddle)
Me: What?
Connor: Snowman blood! (cackles and splashes some more)
Me: .....


This is an interactive Nikon billboard from a subway station in Korea. Paparazzi jostle for position and when someone actually passes in front of it and trips its sensors, all the cameramen start taking pictures.

Why don't we get cool ads like that here?

While walking on the dike this weekend.
Liam: I'm going to sing poo poo pee pee Star Wars.
Me: Um... how do you do that?
Liam: Poo poo pee poo poo poo, pee pee peeeeee (imagine the Imperial March, or Darth Vader's music)

Just cause it looks good.

Designers Simon Pillard and Philippe Rosetti took an Ikea kitchen island and covered it with 20,000 pieces of Lego. I would spend more time in the kitchen if Supreme Leader would let me do this. Ah... More time that didn't involve feeding myself.

On the same Sunday afternoon walk on the dike when a flock of migrating snow geese took off en masse.
Connor: Don't let the geese poo in your hair, Mommy!
Liam: Your beautiful beautiful hair!
I think it was the volume the warning was given at that made it truly magical. In fact, I'm pretty sure I know what scared the geese in the first place.*

Head on over to the Un-Mom's or a goose might poo on your head.

*No mothers were pooed on during the writing of this post.


  1. Ever read Diamond Age by Neil Stevenson? It's full of "medatronic" billboards just like that one.

  2. Probably one of my favorite posts of yours so far.

  3. Loving your random thoughts today! : )

  4. I like the hair comment. My husband is always asking the kids if his hair looks okay. Yesterday, Punkette told him it looks like the hair of the mayor of Who-ville. He said, "Oh, can you fix it?" She proceeded to puff up the sides and friz up the back, stepped back to assess and finished with "... there, perfect!"

  5. You might not get those cool ads but you have s'more pies at your McDonalds. We have cows.

    I seriously laughed at the snowman's blood comment. Perfect!

  6. Snowman blood...cool!

    And I'm putting on my big hat, to ward off possible geese poop!

  7. Reminds me of that Far Side cartoon where you see the world from the birds vantage point. All the humans have dart boards painted atop their heads.

  8. poopoopeepeestarwars is the bomb! lol.

    snowman blood...lol.

    kids are amazing!

  9. I'm loving the billboard ad thingie. Talk about reinforcing my ego! :)

  10. Smart boys. Sucking up to mommy before The Usurper arrives. Heh. I think I just thought of a name for Cletus.

  11. As soon as he said poo poo and pee pee Star Wars, I knew exactly what he was going to sing. Now I'll be singing it all day.

    Your beautiful hair, hahahaha!

    Happy RTT!

  12. You are raising those boys right! Lego kitchen island? I'd do that.

  13. snowman blood I love it
    and that is how it should be...melted, slushy, and no longer COLD!

  14. I love the Nikon ad! Why don't we have cool ads like that here (I'll let that include all of North America)?
    I think I will try out the snowman joke on my kids later today. Hmm, first I have to find a non frozen puddle....
    And the lego counter? I now know what to suggest to my brother when he remodels his kitchen!

  15. Haha! That lego kitchen is awesome... Kind of makes me want to build one.

  16. Your kids = awesomesauce!
    That is one HOT CAFE RACER. Do you have a link? Curious to see who designed it...

  17. i want ... no NEED that lego kitchen. seriously it's beautiful.
    so much more creative than the magnetic kitchen island that i painted so that the kids (and i) could put magnets on.

  18. You need to nurture your kids' violent tendencies. In the future, only buy them Star War games that let you play from the POV of the Sith.

  19. Having lived in Korea, that totally looks like something they would do. And yeah, that would be awesome here--especially high crime areas where thugs hang out.

    I think our kids could do a duet or start a choir. They already know the same words to all the same songs.

    And the bike... ohhhhh, that's a nice bike

  20. I especially like the giant lego head on the back counter of that kitchen.

    Just one more thing I can never tell my son - that you can sing poo poo pee to Star Wars.

  21. LOL love it! I would be more than happy to hop on that cool ass motorcycle and head up your way to help with your new kitchen lego decor!

  22. Snowman Blood. Get that kid a Twitter account!

  23. Great random!
    I'm NOT showing my kids the lego kitchen island because.........well it's finals week and they need to focus!

    Believe it or not, the pee pee poo poo stage still hasn't ended here. It's not just a stage, is it?

    Happy Tuesday!

  24. Your boys have way more imagination than I do.

    Snowman blood. Heh.

    And I totally echo you on the Korean ad - I want that! Pa-pa-pa-paparazzi....

  25. Oh, how your children entertaine me and crack me up. I love it. You should video him singing the Poo Poo Pee Pee Star Wars song. It'll be a sure hit!

  26. OMGosh! I love the things that kids say. Snowman Blood. The hair comment was really cute. So nice to be loved!

  27. snowman blood; astute observation.

    the bike is nice to look at but would be uncomfortable to ride.

    beautiful hair.?.you are training them well.

  28. The kid in me loves the lego kitchen island. While the OCD in me is going slightly rany at the prospect of trying to clean between all those little cracks. Please tell me they shellacked it.

  29. I love your Random Tuesday post!!

  30. We don't have those ads here because most americans are so self-absorbed, they'd actually be posing in front of that thing all freaking day. (See: Gosselin, John)
    Awesome kitchen!

  31. omg-snowman blood. HA - your kids are HILARIOUS.
    I think the lego kitchen would be fun as a novelty. I think I would get sick of it though. And the colors. Oy, what goes with those colors??? Oh--if I had a daycare, this would be a good look for the daycare kitchen. Yes. Home kitchen. No.

  32. Conner and Liam are cracking me up!! That is hilarious!! ;0)

  33. I need that billboard.

    And the snowman blood? Priceless.

  34. Snowman pee. You have to wonder if they lay in bed and night and think these things up.

    I love the billboard.

    In the airport in Bonn (Germany) they have huge billboards of police officers from different countries which is kind of neat. But the puzzling part? Guess which one was the only one with a gun...yep the American.

  35. I will now have to (and probably forever more) replace dum dum dum de duh dum dum de dum with poo poo poo pee poo poo pee pee peeeeee.

    It's stuck in my head....

    Thanks Liam. Thanks a bunch.

  36. In New Zealand we don't even HAVE billboards.

    Way to twist the knife.

  37. Random is very good;)

  38. Hi, I really enjoyed your post. That billboard is pretty awesome.

  39. Your kids crack me up. That is all.

  40. Oh yeah, I forgot you BC people like to do all that walking. We here in Saskatchewan drive everywhere. And smoke in our car while we're at it.

  41. Love the billboard— of course you probably would have some idiot standing in front of it thinking that they were real…

  42. Snowman blood... *snicker!*

    That Lego island is um...scary. Scary cool, but still scary.

    Glad no mothers were pooed on during the writing of your post. ;)

  43. wow, I'm at the bottom of a very long list, but just had to say that billboard is the coolest. I am a big fan of creative concepts. Thx

  44. all the people tell me so
    but what do all the peope know

    its your fault
    dont go blaming me now

  45. Everyone should get a moment in front of the fake paparazzi, especially when you're having a bad day.

    The snowman blood is evidence, you compromised the crime scene.

  46. I bet if I had a Lego kitchen, Hotty Hubby would help keep it cleaner!

    Snowman blood...priceless.

  47. I love the snowman blood...and now I have the star wars theme song in my head-with a few more pees and poos (-:

  48. I love the snowman blood....

    Also loving the ad and the lego kitchen counter.

  49. I love snowman blood. Now that's an imagination! I look forward to reading the horror novels he pens one day...

  50. HOW were these perfect snippets captured before blogs? "Your beautiful beautiful hair"? Ach.


  51. Liked the Lego table? Well, check out what James May did. How cool is that!

    I'm loving the Nikon ad. Totally want that in my living room!

  52. You do spend an assload of time in the kitchen. ANd you said dike. Heheh. I'm twelve.

  53. Snowman blood? I hope your son's conversations aren't copyright because I might have to steal that expression lol.

  54. You're nuts. And it's hereditary, obviously....

  55. You guys are so much fun. Loved the snowman blood.

  56. Legos as furniture. Brilliant.

    Also, I want that paparazzi wall for my hallway. What fun!

  57. My kid would love furniture made of legos.

    I hate them, I have a tattoo on the bottom of my foot of a lego!

  58. That billboard would scare the shit out of me.

  59. I love that billboard, I so want one of those! Love the star wars theme music!!! What the hell is with kids and potty words, I overheard mine the other day, one would say pooh bum, and then they would start laughing like crazy!

  60. -->Snowman blood is Brilliant! (Typed in my best Guinness commercial accent.)


  61. Leggos. What fun!

    And what is it about little boys and the "poo poo" word?


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.