Monday, November 16, 2009

Other People's Holidays

Thanksgiving is already a month gone by for Canadians, but when Ian from Idiot's Stew asked if I'd like to join in on his "Idiot’s Super-Duper-Amazing-Pre-Thanksgiving-Holiday-Extravaganza-and-Parade" and join in with my friends from the "land of the free and home of the brave," I said hells ya. Of course, he also made a lot of promises about cheap beer and hookers but I've yet to see any of that. Ian?

Anyway, come by Idiot's Stew and see what you get for a guest post when you make empty promises. If you don't then it means you hate America and puppies and freedom. If you're not American then it means you hate other stuff that you think is important but obviously isn't because you didn't click on the damn link. Hater.


  1. "If you're not American then it means you hate other stuff that you think is important but obviously isn't because you didn't click on the damn link."

    Got me.

  2. Damn if I'm gonna look like I hate America, puppies and freedom...I'm headin' over!

  3. why you know i follow you ever i am not that stalker! just that dang puppy!

  4. I went added in some experienced Canadian content...

  5. I clicked the damn link. Now I just need some of those hookers you were talking about.

    They are the combination hooks and suction cups right?

  6. Love Pippa's comment about the hookers! If I hadn't already had a cup of coffee, I'd probably have thought the same.

  7. Let's not go dissing on the puppies alright? Geesh you are pushy. But you know me. I'm a total follower and will click pretty much any link. Clicking...

  8. You forgot apple pie but your Canadian so we'll let it slide. Off to check out the link.

  9. Do you ever plan to do an actual post on your own blog, or is this turning into one of those link sites? If you have a mental block, you can always do like me and post pictures of hot Asian women. I'm sure Supreme Leader will appreciate that.

  10. I don't think it matters when you celebrate— I'm just thankful that we have such great bloggers from north of the border.

    Excellent post!

  11. FYI, my friendly Canuk: It's actually America, apple pie, and freedom.

    For some reason, Americans (not me) love the apple pie...

  12. I feel like I've been lost and now I'm found since I'm back in blogland. I'm on my way over to Ian's right now!

  13. Never knew Canada had a thanksgiving holiday. You learn something new here everyday.
    Are hookers like pretzels?

  14. puppies pee on the floor, I do hate them, lol ;)

  15. Don't you ever stay home?? lol

  16. You are one busy guest poster of late! Maybe you should start charging or something?
    Off to check it out.

  17. Oh, great, clowns, idiots and dumbasses...

    Just another day behind the desk, I guess...

    You didn't get any of the cheap beer 'cause we drank it already (burp)...

  18. I love America, puppies and freedom...but have no bandwith for new blogs since I totally SUCK at keeping up with my dear friends like you. :)

  19. Canadian hookers? More importantly, Canadian beer? On my way. No, not to Canada. Ian's...

  20. Free American puppies will be the downfall of civilization.

  21. Maybe you could just bill yourself as a freelance blogger. Emphasis on free.


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.