Ok, so up first, my laboratory of MADNESS! Dude? That looks a lot like a kitchen. Um, hello? The food is in the kitchen. If we had a TV in there I'd never have to leave. Actually, I was supposed to move my computer into a new office this week but my freakin DSL was shut off in there so now I have to wait until an installer comes out and charges me a testicle to rewire it.
Jen from Blissfully Caffeinated. "Here’s my gangsta office space. I come here after my shift at Flinger’s and type up the TPS reports. Two weeks ago I would have just taken a picture of my ass indent on the sofa. *Sigh* (Jen's laptop drank a glass of orange juice recently)
Jennifer from Sprite's Keeper. "Here I go again hitting the wire. This is my master bedroom where I do most of my writing. I would show you the office, but that would be lying because John is ALWAYS ON THE FREAKING COMPUTER!!!!
(No bitterness.) (Not much anyway.)
Jen from Steenky Bee. "Okay, here's my temporary work station at work. Please let it be known that I don't blog from here, but you really don't want to see the dungeon and the laptop and other home computer that I normally blog from. Thanks!!!" (I'll let everyone know. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I really do want to see your dungeon.)

Casey from Half As Good As You Are. "I'm surprised I'm sending you this picture... So much clutter. The red desk
is mine and Jamie gets the other one. We share the printers in the middle.
Notice that we're caged in to keep the toddler out. Smart move, eh? Enjoy!"
"Jamie also thought it would be pertinent to send you a picture of the place
I hide out with my laptop... " (I hate you for your bathroom. You could ride a bike in there!)
From The Tattooed Mini Van Mom. Wanna compare ink? And no, this isn't a contest.

Representin' Florida, Carrie from colepack. Carrie, more wall clutter!
There's no point system here at Us & Them, but if there were, Jeff from goodfather would be getting bonus ones today for not only having my page on one computer, but two!

From Stacy of Apathy Lounge. "This is a little room (off of our bedroom) that my husband built for me some years ago. I do some of my best work in here." (If I could take Steenky's Mac and put it in your office, this is the one I'd want.)
Middle Aged Woman from Unmitigated. "What office is complete without a lint roller? And a paint chip? Not to mention the golf ball, tape measure, bottle cap, pencil, scissors, nail file, Free Press and yummy, yummy $5.00-a-box cereal. My dining room table doubles as my office. This shot was taken on a leisurely Sunday morning, and now I'm wondering what the tape measure was doing there. If it's measuring my gift with prose...I think we're gonna need a bigger one."
From DeeMarie, "Here is my "blogging office". It's my bed. Next to it is one of the many boxes I need to fill with everything I own. But rather than doing that, I thought it would be better to check my blogs and post a quick update..."

Krystal's office from Mommy's Escape. Hey! Your office came with a baby!
And there you have it. I just ran upstairs to check a word with my editor-in-chief (the one who lets me post first and then mocks my language skills before correcting my mistakes) who was watching TV. An ad for Quantum of Solace came on and she started making squeezing gestures towards Daniel Craig's pectorals and murmuring something about his body. I said that I could have that body if she didn't keep making me fat. I did not get that word checked.
I didn't have a topic picked for next Friday, but after rereading this and getting to the 'fat' part it started me thinking about the big piece of banana walnut upside down cake I'm going to eat as soon as I'm done here. So, that said. Send me a picture of something you eat this week. Or drink. As long as it's not Jen's chewy green drink. Ok, that's mean. I'm sure it's quite tasty. I'd just need to put in a lot of honey. Or tequila. Digress! So food. Send me a picture of something you eat this week. Home cooked, take out, restaurant, beverage, whatever.
And... FIRST.
ReplyDeleteAwesome pics!! Woo hoo, bonus points! Thanks for the link, I'll start thinking of something non-green-and-chewey to send in...
brave souls to post their office pics! i could never post mine considering it looks like a dumpster. clutter EVERYWHERE. i keep saying i'm gonna get organized, but i think i just shuffle the sh!t around from one side to the other.
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures, I like seeing where other people do their blogging. And BTW, there's a lot of hate coming from you towards me... last time you hated me for my Florida weather and now for my bathroom? Feel free to use it whenever you want. Remember, if it's yellow, let it mellow. Steenky copped out on this one taking a pic from work.
ReplyDeleteHow much IS a testicle worth?
ReplyDeleteToo funny you mentioned tequila. That's a pic up on my place today. See, I'm a week ahead and I didn't even know it!
ReplyDeleteHow the hell did I miss the blog about sending in these pictures! CRAP I SAY! I promise to do better...
ReplyDeleteI agree with CDA... Casey, I want your bathroom.
ReplyDeleteVery fun. Now we can truly feel like stalkers!
Hands down, Jamie has the coolest blogging spot and bathroom. I want to fly out to meet her and then discreetly excuse myself to do a cartwheel in her bathroom. I've never wanted anything so badly in my life before.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you thought my green shake was bad, wait until you see the green nightmare I've got planned for you next week with food. All I can say is you will see what Mormons eat ALL THE TIME.
Also, did Heinous not participate because he couldn't decide which office space to show us? What gives?
ReplyDeleteI love looking at where people "work"
ReplyDeleteI like being eleventh...
ReplyDeleteDUDE! You have the same phone I do!!!
Who's the card from? The one on the shelf?
I'd be in trouble if a coffee pot was next to my computer.
My office is my lap and no, I am not sending you a picture of my lap.
Or maybe he totally forgot while plotting Jen's Demise by Wedgie.
ReplyDeleteCasey needs to come to my house and decorate my bathroom. What the hell? Did she tear that out of a magazine ad? And your garden? DAMN!
ReplyDeleteI am totally sending you Sprite's birthday cake picture before we tear into it. YUM!
Ooh, I loved this. It was like snooping on everyone. Of course Jenbo comes up with something hilarious, that freaking genius. And Casey's red desk and beautiful bathroom? So cute! I, too, want an office like Stacy's.
ReplyDeleteAnd - I don't know why you want to move out of the kitchen. I loved being in the kitchen with my laptop. *sniff sniff*
Dude! Sweet set-up. You've got a coffeemaker right there too.
ReplyDeleteLove all the office pics...now I can stalk dream about everyone with more detail...
Blogger tried to eff me again! But I have outsmarted them, ha! I've developed a new commenting technique. I now copy my comments before I hit publish. Because half the time I have to put them in again. It's saving me a lot of tears and frustration. And it's totally unrelated to your post but I've been bitching about Blogger in your comments and decided that this is my own personal Blogger complaint forum.
ReplyDeleteGAH! i missed it... wah!!!
ReplyDeletethat's what happens when i need the hubs to help me with a pic during a build week at work. boo.
i totally should have just sent you my Wordless Wednesday picture.. since, honestly, that laptop and those comp books go everywhere with me - my office is portable.. you're welcome to steal it and add it, though i'm probably too late.
*sigh*... next week.
and jen, grasshoppah, you really should have sent a pic of your dungeon.. it's healing.
ReplyDeleteDag! Had I known that I was supposed to clean the place up BEFORE sending the picture, I would have brought in a backhoe to clear out some of the paper debris. All that stuff on the wall stays, though. If you had a magnifying glass you'd see my first voter registration card (from the Stone Age), old concert tickets, race numbers and split times...and other ephemera of my crazed life. I envy everyone else their clean spaces, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't write in my kitchen. Too much going on.
ReplyDeleteOh I was going to send a pict, but we've had a house guest. Left yesterday. I have another one today. The last thing I am thinking of tidying up is my desk.
ReplyDeleteAwesome pics...I totally forgot AGAIN to participate, mainly bc I'm a crappy friend. :)
ReplyDeleteMy desk is amazingly clean, my closet in my office is the real story...I think Jimmy Hoffa may actually be hidden in there it's been so long since we cleaned it out. :)
That was so, so cool! I really loved apathy lounge's space.......they were all great!
ReplyDeleteDaniel Craig, huh? I see you as more the Jeff Goldblum type, myself, not Bond. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool. I love to see everybody's office, it feels like we're being let behind the curtain or something naughty like that.
ReplyDeleteOMG. (I really hate that acronym) but this situation seriously calls for it. I just found out some amazing news. Your mom is one of those Red Hat Ladies. I LOVE THOSE GALS! Oh, yes, Steenky Bee will one day join those women wearing purple dresses and a red hat. That is absolutely my favorite color combination. I'm not making that up.
ReplyDeleteIn fairness, since I telling you something about your mom that you probably already knew anyway, I'll tell you something equally as fascinating about my Mom, JoAnn; She's afraid of snakes, she say's "yah" instead of "yes or yeah" and idolizes Elizabeth Taylor. Nothing makes her happier than recieving that awful White Diamonds perfume as a gift. Alright, I'm off.
OMG. (I really hate that acronym) but this situation seriously calls for it. I just found out some amazing news. Your mom is one of those Red Hat Ladies. I LOVE THOSE GALS! Oh, yes, Steenky Bee will one day join those women wearing purple dresses and a red hat. That is absolutely my favorite color combination. I'm not making that up.
ReplyDeleteIn fairness, since I telling you something about your mom that you probably already knew anyway, I'll tell you something equally as fascinating about my Mom, JoAnn; She's afraid of snakes, she say's "yah" instead of "yes or yeah" and idolizes Elizabeth Taylor. Nothing makes her happier than recieving that awful White Diamonds perfume as a gift. Alright, I'm off.
Damn it! I missed this one, too.
ReplyDeleteAt least I'm consistent.
Brave, every one of them.
ReplyDeleteI love those baby gates around the red desk. I can't even remember how many times we had to rewire and rearrange to keep the mini beast from pulling up inappropriate sites on my computer. Now, we just let him do what ever he wants. He's four, after all.
damnit. I forgot to send you my photo!!! I love the caged work station, that was by far the most hilarious.
ReplyDeleteHow do I keep missing this -
ReplyDeleteand NOT sending you my pictures -
I have a great office -
It's perfection, I promise.
I am fo sho sending you a picture of something I eat -
YO! Dumbass! (That's fun saying that, easily amused here)
ReplyDeleteI added your question and linked to you in today's post. Mr linky up if you want to play along. Caught ur post at Kat's too. What a concept to have someone else write a post for you. You currently taking orders?
Yeah - the baby was an added bonus. She keeps me from falling asleep!!
ReplyDeleteI so totally have to say that I am amazed with your kitchen, I mean office - if I had a coffee maker that close to me, I would be so wired!!!