Because Canada is a bi-lingual nation.
You'll either get that or you won't.
Holy Hannah Banana, Batman! Has it really been two weeks since I've done a Random Tuesday? No, has it? I'm not really sure. Whatever, let's roll.
My Mom got in a car accident this weekend. She was waiting to make a left and a lady in an SUV pulling a U-Haul rear ended her. After hitting Mom and pushing her car forward, the SUV pulled a hard right to keep out of oncoming traffic and messed up the car's front end as well. Just cause my Mom has that kind of luck. Oh, and On-Star, why did my Mom have to push the button and get ahold of you?
The lovely
Miss Grace got this over the weekend. How cool is that? If I didn't already have my back done...
Stop squinting. It's from this.
Geeze louise, it's like I need Cole's notes.
When Supreme Leader left for work yesterday, Connor was upstairs. He blew her a kiss and told her, "a thousand hearts are coming out of my kiss." He's good. He's very good.
Ten songs iTunes played while writing this:
Oh, wait, there weren't any. GIVE ME BACK MY DATA, BACK UP DRIVE!!!
No, no, I'm good. Really. Go on over to
Keely's. Enjoy the carnage.
PS. My Mom is fine. Sure it may take the kids awhile to get used to her bionic head, but they're young, they adapt well.