Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pretend Like It's Tuesday, Or Maybe Twensday

Today's post was supposed to be a Random Tuesday, but I got kinda side tracked writing up a thousand postcards. What the hell was I thinking? Ok, not really. It was more me getting home from work last night at nearly 10pm and thinking my time would be better spent watching the hijinks of Rick Castle and the dreamy Detective Kate Beckett. What? Anyway, I've sent out post cards to most people who've given me their addresses already. If you're one of those people who don't have your comments linked to your email address, I haven't got to you yet, but never fear, I will. Pinkie swear. Also, there are one or two of you out there who requested to be in on this but not only can I not email you back from your comment, your link goes nowhere. Sorry, but you're going to have to email me. Don't know what I'm talking about? Postcard exchange, check it out. And just to make my life easier: ctordoff (at)

Did you see my new Twitter bird up top? Kirsten from Life & Times of Maladay did that for me because she's full of fantasticosity. If you've never been to her blog, or blogtoon as she describes it, I highly recommend it. Totally worth going back and reading her previous posts.

We bought a new printer this weekend. One of the first items in the instructions was a warning not to consume the silica pack. I'm sorry, but aside from the danger to a small child or someone with a learning disability, if you've ever considered eating packing salt, go ahead, you're thinning the gene pool.

Two guys program a phone to drive a car. The Chinese will rule the world one day. Them and Google.

I had to stop at a drug store this past weekend to pick up some stamps and there was the prerequisite child outsite trying to sell chocolate bars for {insert cause}. I only had money for stamps so I passed her up with a polite blow off. On the way out though, she'd been joined by a second and they were chanting their sales pitch Ã  la Village of the Damned. They were terrifying. If I'd had a wooden stake I might have erred on the side of caution and sent them back to their chocolatey hell.

Don't look at me like that. They had dead eyes. DEAD EYES!

I heard on the news today that Vancouver is now the 3rd least affordable city in the world to live in behind Hong Kong and Sydney, Australia. Ah, that's why my taxes are so freaking high. Great. They said that the average home will take 9 years to pay off based on a salary of $67,000, and that's using 100% of the salary. Hmm, and if you make nowhere near $67,000 a year? Bastards. Maybe I'll start collecting empty bottles.

And finally, Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal on dueling cellos, because really, where can you go from there?

Both videos from oneplusinfinity.


  1. Oh, we love Castle! Nathan Fillion rocks my world (and we even share a birthday!).
    Yes, the Chinese and Google probably WILL rule the world one day, but at cross purposes, as the Chinese want to censor Google.
    What crazy Canadian pays all their salary in housing? That's just dumb. Be like Americans! Buy a house you can't afford on a 30 year mortgage, quit paying for it and just stay there as a squatter for the next 15 or so years because it takes the bank FOREVER to go the foreclosure done and evict you.

  2. That car is really cool. I was given a choice of a BMW or kids when I got married. I don't have a BMW.

    Those kids freak me out thanks.

    I'll get my postcard out soon.

  3. Twensday! Huzzah! Phine randomnessosity, Captain.

    BTW, my postcard is in the works. I'm thinking on it...

  4. My daughter and her fiance bought the thousand-square-foot ranch across the street from us for $40,000 cash. Are you crying yet? I actually read some bloggers from LA complaining about how expensive it was to visit Vancouver, and SoCal is among the top three in most expensive places to live in the US.

  5. I had to give KiKi the 3rd degree when she put an empty silica packet in the trash. "YOU DIDN'T EAT THAT DID YOU?!?" She looked at me like I was nuts and said "Uh, no."

  6. I haven't been able to figure out when these shows are on because someone here is hogging the discovery Channel. Stupid Cable!
    The new Bird was the first thing I noticed when I stopped in, I like it.

  7. Hello! Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog. I tell you, if you draw me in stick figures I will be thrilled. It will be an honor. If you do that, I will send you a matted nut. See example here:

    Just a thought.

  8. Your new Twitter bird? Total WIN.

    Same goes for the word "fantasticosity". I will definitely add that one to my vernacular.

  9. Love the twitter bird. Awesome. And I almost braingasmed listening to Smooth Criminal.

  10. I, for one, welcome our new bunny overlords.

  11. TT (my young Padawan) loves your Twitter bird.
    He did eat the silca gel once. I think it was in a box of shoes I bought him. He was two. The Poison Control hotline assured me it is not poisonous, just a chocking hazard.

    Love the dueling cellos. I will be sharing this with my youngest brother. He just made all-region band and I think I shall request he perform Smooth Criminal.

  12. I'm a Nathan Fillion fanatic! I preferred him as Mal from Firefly. But he is awesome as Castle too.

  13. Happy Twensday! The Twitter bird is an excellent addition.

    I thought my email was linked or whatever to my comments, but apparently not. I think I have fixed that now, but to be safe I did email you my address.

  14. dude the batman pic rocks...program a phone to drive a car...i want one...

  15. I see no problem with your enjoyment of Kate Beckett. Castle is pretty easy on the eyes too!

    When the snow stops tomorrow and I can get out, I'll pick up the postcard. Thanks for the reminder!

    Love the phone remote car!

    Ah, dueling cellos. I love the cello. The intro to Secrets by One Republic is awesome!

  16. Ok, for a brief minute I'm going to be a dork. If I got only one wish for my boys, it would be that they find something that they are good at, that they can be passionate about, like the two boys in that video. Because, come on, to do a dualing cello video? I'd be so damn proud.

    Oh, and the boys in the video. Total hotties. Bonus for me.

  17. Those kids and their damn chocolate!!!

    Those guys driving the car with the phone - just WOW!!!

    The cellos - Amazing.

    Love the Randoms even on a non-Tuesday.

  18. BWAHAHAHA, creepy kids.

    Dang, those guys make the cellos look sexy.

    Stick figures rock. Better yet, stick figures made out of grilled cheese. Work your magic.

  19. Sorry, mI am one of those who have not emailed you back yet. I was locked out of email for a week. I know the geeks will inherit the earth since they are the ones who can reset passwords.

  20. I never shop without a sharpened stake, a silver pick axe, and mace. Ask me again if I want to buy your crap on the way out, I dare you, punk.

  21. You have to put on your steely face to pass the children and homeless selling things outside the stores around here.

    I am usually safe because I actually don't carry cash. I can honestly tell them I don't have any.

  22. Love, love, love your new twitter bird, but your Batman on a T-Rex is just plain awesome!
    You rock.

  23. Castle just might rock more, though. Just barely.

  24. I don't even want to know how long it will take to pay off my house.... I'm just planning to die here. :)

  25. 10 years ago we bought our house for 78500, entire living space including basement-2100sq ft, 5 bedrooms, soon to have 2 1/2 baths, on 10 acres, 10 minutes from a Lake. My taxes are 900.00 a year, and my water is ALL free. You can live here, but the catch is it's located in Central Manitoba, wanna trade?

  26. That dueling cellos was actually pretty friggin' awesome!

  27. Dude with the short hair is HOT! He sorta looks like Jake from Sixteen Candles. And he can pluck my strings any day!
    (Zing! I knew I loved the cello for good reason!)

  28. It will either be China and Google or Google and Facebook.

    Like Castle too and adore Beckett's hair cut; reminds me of when I was her age and still had beautiful hair that would do anything I wanted it too. Sigh.

    Hey, at least houses are selling again! No matter where and the square footage value, at least they're selling.

    I'm about to start looking for a postcard... but I may have to make my own.

  29. I have been following your blog for over a year and enjoy reading about your kids. Though you don't know me from Adam I wonder if you might do me a favor - My son attends kindergarten at John Paul II in Overland Park KS. The school is entered to win $50,000 from Pepsi to replace their old gym windows if we can make it into the top 10 by January 31. I know you have a lot of followers - would you consider asking them to vote via text each day the rest of this month to help Jack's school replace their drafty windows? Text 105335 to 73774 every day in January. You can also vote for us every day on facebook at

    Sorry if I'm the crazy lady, but it's for my kid and I thought it's worth a shot! Blessings!

  30. I can't stand those little girls selling chocolates. I never have any money for it and they always give me nasty looks like I'm hijacking their college fund or something.

  31. Still the Zombie children.
    I'll prepare myself by arming myself with a wooden stake. It's Girl Scout Cookie time, so every store in town will be surrounded by dead eyes! I'm going to check out the postcard thingamagig

  32. I'll be picking up a postcard or two for you here in Nashville. How about a tiny pair of Jockey underwear keyring? Want one of those?

  33. Okay, I just looked at that comment and it seemed a little weird. The tiny Jockey keyring is one of the giveaways here at Blissdom. I'll pick you up one if you want. I think the boys would get a kick out of them.

  34. MMMmmmm Castle, I don't actually like the show, but I am compelled to watch anything with Nathan Fillion in it.

    Firefly ROCKS!

  35. Yeah, I finally found my password so I'm back on my blog again. CPR dumb ass, your sister and I came across something we both yelled, CHAD, watch for it in the mail,

  36. I forgot the postcard!!! Be right back...

  37. Dude, your Twitter bird is *so* not fierce.


  38. The cellos are so damn awesome. I love it.

    The remote control car freaks me out a bit. A little scary. And I thought google already controlled the world.

  39. Re the dead eyes of the "children of the damned.". If u think the remake was scary, u shod hv seen the original! I was 11' stayed with your aunt Randy that night. When I got up to pee in middle of night, she crawled under the bed, then grabbed my ankles as I came back to bed. Think my screams woke up whole neighborhood!

  40. Oooooo....I think I'll send you a special stake from India, and a camera so you can send me pics of the event, next time....words are cheap, baba....

  41. So men can now drive cars by phone? But can it drive them home when they're drunk or are wives completely redundant?

  42. I think I met the same kids outside my store recently - Scary!!

  43. Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.