In our little corner of Canada we don't get a lot of snow in the winter. So little, in fact, that we're the butt of jokes for the rest of the country when it does snow and we're forced to drive in it. So little that our children do not appreciate being interrupted from enjoying it so their parents can take pictures.
I was eating that snow after the picture was taken.
Random gifts!
A couple of days ago I came home to a beautiful white box from the US Postal Service marked Hawaii. And what was inside?
Yummy Hawaiian stuff! Coffee, coconut syrup, every possible variant of chocolate and macadamian nuts you could think of and a bag of chocolate covered... stuff. I don't know what it is but it tastes good. They were my winnings from Pseudo at Winds of Change. The contents didn't come out that well in the picture, but it was a snow day and I thought it would look good.
Kat from 3 Bedroom sent us this way back when Finn was born in June. This picture worked out great because it was the middle of the World Cup and England had just been knocked out.
Why did it take me five months to post the picture? Um, I was waiting for the right moment.
Shortly after I got the England jersey from Kat, Maggie from Mind of a Mad Woman sent me a rugby jersey from the New Zealand All Black's. Again, this is four or five months later, but on my behalf, he was a premie and has only just been able to fit into it now.
If you sent me something recently and are now pissed that I didn't include it, simmer down, there'll always be another post.
I'm horrific at math, but I do find certain numbers sexy. Ever wonder what the smallest possible measurement is? 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 m or Planck Length. That's a one with 34 zeros in front of it. Apparently anything smaller than that makes "no physical sense." On the other side? 93,000,000,000 light years, or the estimated size of the universe. HTwins.net has this super cool site that you can scroll from one to the other in a super cool way that I can't really describe or could if I weren't so tired and didn't want to just finish this so I could go to bed, so just click right here and go look at it. In between the planets and the galaxies there is a section on stars. There's one called WOH G64 that is 2.8 billion kilometres in circumference. Don't worry, it's too big for your brain to comprehend. Our sun is 1.4 million kilometres around for perspective, the Earth 12,700. If you were to fly a plane around that sun, it would take 1200 years. How crazy is that?
Want more crazy? Go check out the Un-Mom's.