So I didn't do Random Tuesday yesterday, partly because it's all I seem to do anymore and I thought I should actually try writing a post for a change, and partly because, well, mostly because I was just tired and didn't.
The shifts I'm doing right now leave me about three minutes to myself a day, and sadly, those three minutes don't include the bathroom.
Wait. Ok, I've got quite a bit of me time during my commute, but I can't post then either. Well, I could, but not safely. Actually, since I don't have a smart phone I can't prove that one way or the other, so we'll stick with no writing in the car.
But I do have breaks at work. Breaks in which I find random things like this:
Or exceptionally random things like this:
And AC/DC's Thunderstruck on the bagpipes? That can't wait until next Tuesday, my friends, you needed to hear that right now.
Oh, and here's some baby.
See that lunge for Supreme Leader's shoulder? I wonder if The Walking Dead need any zombie babies? Being gummed to death by a toothless zombie baby, think about it. Oh, and the strange chanting in the background was my oldest performing some type of dark ritual for the ancient fire demons he worships. Kids these days. Then again, maybe it was just the Halloween candy.
PS. Every time I check this in Preview Blogger tells me an error occurred with the last video and to try again later so if it doesn't show up tomorrow, blame Google.
*Nothing to do with anything, just the last song I heard in the car before I got home. Matthew Good
Pac Man Bag pipes
How Are You?
1 hour ago
dude...the thunderestruck on bagpipes is truly are the others..and cute baby of course....chubby cheeks!
ReplyDeleteThat was frickin' awesome! You do even non-random randomness quite well.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct: that AC/DC couldn't wait.
And le bebe: there is no defense against that :)
I think without teeth the baby zombie is a bit ineffectual but oh so cute. He could lure someone to their doom.
ReplyDeleteI've always been a big bagpipes fan. I'll be needing to up that to groupie.
Being gummed to death takes a LOT longer. That boy has a mighty big noodle. Welcome to the big head club, Mickey Finn!
ReplyDeleteMy husband may divorce me for saying this, but that is quite possibly the best rendition of Thunderstruck I have ever heard.
ReplyDeleteOh, Finn. Sigh.
It is totally the best rendition I've ever heard! Thanks for sharing that Captain and the clip of the baby's lunge... practicing for the Olympics, I presume.
ReplyDeleteJust nice to know you're alive, Cap'n.
ReplyDeleteWow. AC/DC in a kilt? Is he married?
ReplyDeleteSupreme Leader had better start sleeping with one eye open.
That zombie gum-my baby is to die for. Really. Just focus on him all the time and you'll win all the awards.
ReplyDelete*All* of them.
A day late, but still some good quality Random here.
ReplyDeleteThat Pac Man arena is pretty impressive. You know what would've been even more impressive? Life size Frogger.
The error is due to Google's new anti-zombie app. Firefox has a plugin to combat that.
ReplyDeleteThe baby video isn't working right now. darn.
ReplyDeleteI need to send Thunderstruck to my nephew. He plays bagpipes. Awesome!
OMG he is so dang cute! I could totally see him taking over the world.
ReplyDeleteI have one of those pac man car courses in my garage. Great fun on a friday night.
The bagpipes however... give me the willies. :)
thunderstruck, bagpipes...what is the world coming to.
ReplyDeleteyou may want to do something about the no bathroom
trading bathroom time for bagpipes? rock on :)
ReplyDeletecaptain dumbass you are funny.
ReplyDeletei dont need therapy, i need more blood in my coffee.
Is Finn's full name Finntastic - cause he is!!
ReplyDeleteThunderstruck on bagpipes has totally changed my life. I didn't know such awesomeness was possible.
ReplyDeleteThat car thing was just so...PacMan. I'd crash but it did look like fun.
ReplyDeleteGummy babies are all the rage. Good to know you got in on the trend ;)
Crazy Pacman drivers, an AC/DC bagpipe symphony, and gumming zombie babies. Pretty random for a Wednesday (and adorable, far as babies go).
ReplyDeleteThat car video is so cool. Though I could've sworn they almost had a head-on collision but cut from it?
ReplyDeleteAnd OMG, the baby smiles? Are just too much! Love it.
I have a friend who plays the bagpipes, and he can play just about anything. And he totally rocks a kilt ;)
ReplyDeleteheh heh.....i was loving the back ground chants in the video ;-)
ReplyDeleteAwesome awesome videos. I'd like to see the guy actually playing the bagpipes, man that sounds like work.
ReplyDeleteThe PacMan thing was too cool. Who thinks that stuff up?
And zombie baby. Totally.
Random rocks for you. :)
Your zombébé is so cute! Om nom nom!
ReplyDeleteGoodfather is back!
ReplyDeleteThere's kind of nothing like having your shoulder gummed by a baby. He's too damn cute.
ReplyDeleteNice bagpipes.
Awwwww! Watching Finn made me want to nom somebody's shoulder, too.
ReplyDeleteYour Wednesdays are pretty cool.
Ahoy, Captain! Permission to come aboard. Your zombie is ADORABLE!
ReplyDeleteThat baby is too freakin' adorable for words. I want one to borrow for 5 minutes! And that Thunderstruck on the pipes? Love. It.
ReplyDeleteOMG THE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe bagpipe Thunderstruck is awesome. My kids, who were fussing a second ago, are totally mesmerized right now.
ReplyDeleteCute zombie! That lunge is similar to what our eldest (by a minute) used to do. We called it the Cobra Strike.
I would listen to Thunderstruck on any instrument. Musical that is.
ReplyDeleteThat's a Yummy Gummy Baby - Too cute!
ReplyDeleteNeither of the first two videos came up at first, so it looked as though you were saying that at work you have time for - Nothing.
Which was also understandable.
Wow, that was utterly fantastic. AC/DC on bagpipes-I never thought I'd live long enough see that one. And I thought my kids were the only ones who performed dark rituals to the ancient fire demons.
ReplyDeleteProves you can do anything on bagpipes. Not necessarily everything well, but that doesn't matter. And the world needs more zombie babies. Especially if they can play the bagpipes.
ReplyDeleteDude I feel you. It takes me lightyears to conceive of, draw and post a blog. My kid does not allow me much free time. I'm still trying to squeeze one out a week. Ew, that sounds nasty.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, nice bagpipe thing.
HAHA! Who plays thunderstruck on a bagpipe?! I guess that guy does. Well, actually it didn't sound too bad. Impressive.
ReplyDeleteHe is SOOOOO cute!!!!!! Love him.
ReplyDeleteOMG lil one is too, too, too cute!! I kinda wanna steal him now...just kidding! :D
ReplyDeleteI can always count on you for a good giggle! Especially with the last video.
ReplyDeleteThunderstruck was awesome- love that.