Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Bitch Is Back

Just when you thought you'd seen the last of 2008...

*Go check out Ryan's Dead (Xmas) Tree Project at Pacing the Panic Room.


  1. Dude, I don't like the implications of the word "package" when it comes them wanting their money. Whose package? Brrrr..

  2. They call it a package in Canadia? Very manly. We get tax FORMS. IF we go to the post office to pick them up. I use TurboTax. File electronically, big check arrives 10 days later.

  3. Yeah. We got two of those the other day too.


  4. Got our Arizona state forms in the mail a week ago. I promptly put them out of sight.

  5. Wow, you people are all so organized. I start thinking about this crap around mid-March....


  6. Package...that's cute. You Canadians are so much more polite. I believe in America our envelope says "pay up or we will hunt you down and make your life an unmitigated hell" but I'm not totally sure. :)

  7. We got those the other day too. "Just a friendly reminder: We want your soul! [insert evil maniacal laughter here]" Love how the tax package comes out before any T-slips, huh?

  8. Hahahahahahaha!

    Oh, wait. Ours are due in April.


    Wait, what am I worried about. I'm a single mother who owns nothing and makes less than that.

    I'm one of the lucky ones.

  9. My husband and I decided we need to file our taxes asap. We need that nice little refund check to help us pay off some of the debt we got ourselves into by moving.

  10. Oh I did not be reminded of that... back to bed I go.

  11. Wow.. That is a scary thought. I am just hoping that I don't end up owing any taxes this year.

  12. I'm glad ours don't come in a package. That sounds like way more work than a form.

  13. that is funny, in a not so funny sort of way. Good luck with your taxes.

    Did you know Revenue Canada doesnt consider me Canadian anymore. Im sure the second I make a penny in my own name they will want me back though.

    jerks, and I can say that my ex husband works for them.

  14. Having been repeatedly reamed by Corporate America, I no longer have any remaining ire for the tax people. They seem gentle by comparison.

  15. Wow a whole package for taxes that is impressive.

    Turbo Tax is great IF we are getting a refund otherwise I don't do my taxes until April 14th.

  16. Oh man, that suuuuucks. They couldn't have waited a few more weeks to lay that MoFo on you? Well, I guess the timing is never good.

  17. So....I see Canada is still online...

  18. Our taxes aren't due until April either, the gov't just likes to drag it out and make it as cruel as possible.

  19. Yeah, we will be doing all that fun stuff soon--all online though. It's funny how the thought of actually filling out forms with pen and paper makes me break out in a sweat...

  20. Ah ah! This is funny and it does bring back memories from my great Motherland ;)

  21. Oh my god, I'm already having a panic attack about getting our certificate of rent paid from our rental we lived in the first half of 2008. DON'T REMIND ME! When are yours due?

  22. Hey, thanks for the referral to Panic Room's place - awesome project! I wish I'd taken a picture, heheh.

    I just found out I have to pay taxes on my unemployment benefits. Insult to injury? Paper cut and a lemon wedge? I'm not sure how to take it...

  23. The benifits of living off of your ex husband ; ) Thanks for linking to Pacing the Panic Room.. awesome blog!

  24. Already bought Turbo Tax, should be getting W2 by end of month and doing my taxes same day they arrive!

  25. I thank you for the link and the picture! You are terrific. But I am bummed that you reminded me about taxes.

  26. I can't believe the Mrs let you post a picture of your package on your blog. I'm blushing.

  27. Wow. They waste no time in Canada!!

  28. Why, why why did you have to put the word TAX out there so early? Now I am thinking about taxes and the chest pain is back.

  29. You'd think they would at least send the forms on scented stationary or something, geez.

  30. Wow, they waste no time. Package part bothers me. I do not have that much money. Good news for me, in Florida, we do not have state taxes. So, I only have to pay uncle sam once.


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.