Friday, August 29, 2008

First Impressions

"I cannot show up for work like this!"
"It's not that bad, hon, you can just hold it up when you have to walk."
"What!? What if I trip and fall in front of the Emperor? I'd be shovelling bantha shit on Tatooine inside a week if that happened. That ain't gonna pay the mortgage."
"Alright, alright. I'll take it up some more..."


  1. God, I LOVE when you do these! On a side note, the cat also appears unhappy about it all.

    I'd like to quote my daughter's friend here, "Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies."

  2. HA! Love it. I'm going to try to make these a regular for Friday's, like the Thursday love. All depends on material and if I can think of anything. I have a few more pics left to use so if you ever see anything on your travels, let me know.

    We have cookies... ahahahaha.

  3. AHHHHHHHH! And I haven't even read this post yet! Yes. I'm that excited/annoying that I would comment before even reading what you wrote. Just the picture alone is worth 1000 words and even more exclaimation points. I shall now go back to your post, read it and again comment on it. Thank you! Thank you!

  4. Yeah, so I'm back. Already. Perhaps you should wear that on your last day? It would be all kinds of awesome just to, walk into that starbucks, get on that bus and walk through those front doors of work with a flowing robe. The red totally suits you too.

  5. I know nothing about Star Wars but I laughed so hard when I saw and read this.

  6. Walking into work dressed as a Klingon would be much more fun. Then when I'm looking around with hate in my eyes it would just look like part of the act. Ahahahaha!

    Actually, I always threatened to come to work in drag just to see what would happen (not to mention I think working in a dress would be SO much more comfortable).

  7. Sorry, but I just have to know. What would your drag name be?

  8. Bwahahahahahaha! I love your sense of humor. You just totally brought out the Star Wars geek in me.

  9. The picture is funny and all, but really what I came away from this post with, is how pretty your living room is.

  10. BC-if only that lovely living room with the beautiful hardwood and the plasma screen were mine, but reality is far far different. And I'm allergic to cats.

  11. Oh, that's not you in that crazy getup?

    Am I a total idiot? I totally thought that was you.

    Well, I love whoever's living room that is.

    And it's a very pretty cat.

    I'll go away now...

  12. This picture really freaked me out.


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.