So I missed Random Tuesday again this week but have far too much random bouncing around my coconut to hold in. At least that's what the voices tell me, and I always listen to the voices. They're my friends. My precious precious friends.
*wipes away drool*
Um.. ya. So thanks for all the kind comments on Monday's post, I appreciate them, and I apologize for not getting back to everybody yet. Working full time is a real time kill. Working full time and getting paid lots makes up for that though. So did the free ice cream on my second day there. So did the BBQ we had on the third day. I haven't done much yet, but I really really like my new job. What am I doing and where? In an effort not to Dooce myself I'll just say that I'm working for a large telecommunications firm trying to keep very large customers happy. And no, not by throwing donuts at them.
What? I see you laughing.
Yes, that is a real eye. Extreme close ups by Suren Manvelyan. Click the link for more, they're amazing.
Sometimes I get this weird twitch in my thigh that feels like the vibration on my cell and I have to take my phone out of my pocket and check it. Doesn't make me a freak or anything.
When I got home last night.
Me:How is eveybody?
Supreme Leader: We were ok until the last couple of hours.
Liam: I was horrible!
You may have seen this already, but if not... awesomeness.
I have a mental image of Kurt Cobain dancing around with a big smile on his face.
Have you seen the new Scrabble card game? Instead of tiles you get playing cards with the letters on them. You start with four cards on the table spelling out a word and then you have to make new words out of it with the cards you hold. Supreme Leader got a deck to help the boys with their spelling. On their first game the word "pant" is on the table and she plays a letter U to change it to "punt." It was Connor's turn next.
Do I need to tell you what letter he played? I only wish I had been there with the camera rolling to capture the magic. And how Supreme Leader explained that it wasn't a real word and that he should never ever EVER use that word that isn't real ever again.
Dear Blogger, thank you for adding Helvetica to your tiny list of fonts, but is there a reason for the giant spaces between paragraphs when I use it? And why is it smaller in the middle of my post? Hello? McFly? Anybody in there? (Ok, I just noticed that the font size is the same in Edit but not in Preview so if it looks normal when I post, just ignore this.)
Oh wait! I almost forgot this. This is the coolest letter of resignation EVER!
*Liam was running around the house on Sunday with the whisk for the KitchenAid mixer. He called it the gun of yummy.
Eye and quitting girl via Kottke