Tuesday, October 13, 2009

RTT: Food, Sex and Unicorns

I'm eating an apple turnover right now that could best be described as sex in a pastry. It's that good.

random/Users/chadtordof/Desktop/Red kryptonite.JPGtuesday

In the true spirit of Canadian Thanksgiving we had enchiladas for dinner last night. Whatever, they were delicious.

Every scene in House should include Dr. Cuddy leaving a room.


Our Indi...er... Native North American/First Nations summer is officially over. It's going to start raining tonight and it's forecast to continue on through the weekend. The first weekend of May. If we're lucky.

My niece Mikalya and a little photoshopping by her mom.

Dinner Saturday night.
Connor: Hey, somebody smell my bum, it's not even rotten.
Supreme Leader: Where are you going?
Me: I have to write that down.

I'm sure you've found yourself wondering from time to time what could be better than unicorns and bacon. How about a unicorn named Awesome who shoots bacon from his eyes! Jay from Genius Pending, he may well be the Chosen One. Go. Browse.

After that, go over to Keely's. No, really, she'll be stuck in a snowbank outside Winnipeg. Check out the box under her bed.


  1. Mmmmm...apple turnover sexy goodness. Wanna send some my way?
    I'm glad Connor's bum isn't rotten. And a unicorn that shoots bacon from his nose? REALLY? I'm sure that's breaking some kind of fantasy law.

  2. I think that I need to know more about Dr. Cuddy?? :))

  3. rain until May, I should be there the 4letter Sn word was just announced yuck

  4. Not sure I like the evil way that the unicorn is shooting bacon from his eyes. Bacon is supposed to epitomize love and all things yummy.

  5. Bacon unicorns interesting... and yummy?? but only if it doesn't hit you? I don't know the bacon unicorn might give me nightmares..

  6. Ooooooooh, my pastry is on firrrre...

  7. Wow. I never realized Lisa Edelstein had such a great body. Nice to see curves on an actress for a change!

  8. I'm with you on the Cuddy remark. Also? I feel your pain. The rains are coming and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

  9. MMMmmmm... Bacon apple strudel. Now that sounds yummy.

  10. Hang on, I'm still picturing sex in a pastry. I may need some time alone.

  11. i just love you niece i always knew they were both the good and bad angel. great wicked look!

  12. I'm not normally an ass man, but Dr Cuddy.... yeah.

    I agree.

  13. I love reading your blog, especially on Tuesdays. It's nice to know that other people have a squiggly line of thought too :p

    a bacon shooting unicorn would be awesome!

  14. The bacon shooting Unicorn sound better in theory that it looks it in drawings. Maybe a Unicorn that shits bacon, that can be sold as 'gourmet' like those expensive coffee beans that are pre digested by goats.

  15. I love you being politically correct with the term Indian Summer

    No comment about you & Otin's obsession with Dr. Cuddy's ass.

  16. I want a sex pastry! Mmmmmm

    Glad to know Connor's bum isn't rotten. That would be a shame if it was.

    Your niece is very cute. I love that pic.

    Have a great Random Tuesday!


  17. Your politically correct description reminded me of Michel's blog where she said "dot, not feather" which made me spit out my coffee!

  18. LOL! Clever as always! Love the Bacon Unicorn!

  19. I just ate an apple. Somehow I feel naked, and yet unfulfilled...


  20. You have problems. And I'd like to have the one with the turnover. Yum!

    And Dr. Cuddy...was she in that video for "I Like Big Butts. . ."

  21. Since I can't eat bacon, can I have a unicorn that shoots rugalah? Death and pastry seem to mesh well in my world.

  22. Thanks for the link love Captain! And I'd like to let all of your readers know that the only reason the unicorn is angry is due to his pronounced angst towards the vegans he's mowing down... those who embrace the path of bacon with open arteries shall remain forever immune to his otherwise deadly bacon vision.

  23. This was fantastic FUN! I love the bacon/unicorn crazy-mad genius thingy!


    Did your turnover have ice cream?

    much love

  24. What is this snow stuff of which you people speak? Although we have rain covered here - my city has had recent bouts of flooding. Next we'll have locusts and more boy bands and reality TV and other signs of the apocalypse.

  25. Smell my bum? He cracks me up. The bacon/unicorn thing? I'm worried about you and your little friend. Sorry to hear about the weather... it's sunny here but pretty chilly... and apparently it's raining in Alabama... which means the humidity is probably somewhere up around 150%. Hope you have a gread day!

  26. bacon shooting out of a horses ass. i dig it. make mine extra crispy please.

  27. Now, if your kids bum smelled like bacon or apple turnover? That would be killer.

    The unicorn frightens me. Bacon should be used for love, not war.

  28. If any Unicorn has a chance of being cool, this is the one.

    I know, I have been trying like crazy to get outside stuff done before a day like today arrived. Didn't quite get there.

  29. what great pictures love the angel and evil in same one

  30. Some entertaining RTT - love the unicorn but the stick men need some LT force field action!

  31. bacon...and Lisa Edelstein...hawwwwt!

    bless you, my son...

  32. Recipe for apple turnover please. And Cuddy's a 'ho.

  33. I bet Keely is just teasing about the box under the bed. We should ask FoN to check.

    Enchiladas for Thanksgiving sound a whole lot better than turkey.

  34. Apple turnovers... yummm

    Funny about your son's bum. Even funnier you wrote down what he said to put on your blog.

  35. Never mind Cuddy. I enjoy House coming and going.

    I just ate bacon that was neither shot out of a unicorn's eyes or ass. It was still good.

    And I'm still tasting that sexy pastry I just ate for dessert. Nothing like it.

    You are either a genius or we're in trouble.

  36. Did you come up with that picture? I'm in awe.

    I'm going to go get photoshop immediately.

  37. Yes I've often found myself wondering what could possibly be better than unicorns and bacon...

  38. Love the title... And in that order! ;)

    It makes me sad that House hasn't been checking out Cuddy's ass so blatantly this season. Maybe it is part of his road to recovery?

    I watched that Ellen Page thing... ha! Mostly I watched it jealously, thinking about how when I was in school and we made a similar cannibalism-themed video it was not nearly as good with no-name nobodies in the parts. Sigh.

    And, hot damn, your mention of enchiladas makes me miss Mexican food like you wouldn't believe. It is a fucking crying shame over here that there are exactly two salsas to choose from in the wee,tiny 'Latino' section of the world food aisle at the grocery. TWO. And they are these tiny little bottles, about 3 oz of salsa in them for, like, $3. These English people make me really crazy sometimes....

  39. Love the title... And in that order! ;)

    It makes me sad that House hasn't been checking out Cuddy's ass so blatantly this season. Maybe it is part of his road to recovery?

    I watched that Ellen Page thing... ha! Mostly I watched it jealously, thinking about how when I was in school and we made a similar cannibalism-themed video it was not nearly as good with no-name nobodies in the parts. Sigh.

    And, hot damn, your mention of enchiladas makes me miss Mexican food like you wouldn't believe. It is a fucking crying shame over here that there are exactly two salsas to choose from in the wee,tiny 'Latino' section of the world food aisle at the grocery. TWO. And they are these tiny little bottles, about 3 oz of salsa in them for, like, $3. These English people make me really crazy sometimes....

  40. now i want an apple turnover... and enchiladas :)

  41. That pink skirt totally says "Does my bum look..." no wait...ah shit.

  42. btw, "sex" and "unicorns" in the title? You trying to pull in the wierdos??

  43. Every time I see Dr. Cuddy I can't help but remember that she dated George on Seinfeld. At least the actress played a character that did. That somehow messes up my appreciation of her.

  44. Oh, you're just baiting the search engines, now.

  45. Now that's a superpower my husband would want. Totally wasted on unicorns...

  46. I really don't get the whole bacon craze. I only like bacon on BLT sandwiches, hold the tomato.

    But I can certainly get on the apple turnover badwagon!


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.