Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pink Death

I'm going to be out most of the morning so I'll be late posting anything. I couldn't leave my legions empty handed though so here's a picture of my niece I stole from my sister's blog.

She is a pretty princess, but make no mistake, she could punch a hole through your chest and eat your brain. And not necessarily in that order.


  1. I too, have no reason to believe she is not fierce. But I'm concerned about the small detail of her eating my brain. Will she reanimate as a Zombie? She's adorable and slightly scary, much like Sarah Palin.

    I so did not mean to compare your niece to Palin.

    Also, my mom wondered if you had one of those blob thingys too.

  2. I'm scared now. She looks tough.

    Please hold my hand and make no sudden moves as we back away from the scary blog photo...

  3. uh oh! Watch out!!! She looks tough. Maybe she can give my daughter some pointers. Took Karate for 2 years and is still scared to flick a fly!

    Oh by the way, yeah!! there are definately zombies on Wii - House of the Dead 2 & 3 but you need to get another handy "tool" to use with it, it looks like a gun holster mixed with a cross bow. Awesome game!!! Oh and as for your concern re: the word verification - I have removed it.

    Thank you for reporting the problem and I hope that you continue to enjoy your visits to the Mommysescape blog.

    Regards, Krystal

    Have a great one! (How's that for customer service? I bet you can't get such good service from your credit card company huh?)

  4. I think you should do an interview with her.

  5. This just proves my point that we could make money doing Kiddie UFC fights. Just think about it dude, just think about it.

  6. Great. Just great. The cat was reading this along with me, but the picture frightened him so much he crapped in my lap. I blame your niece.

  7. Your fish are stupid. I just tossed a whole bunch of food at 'em and they all stayed lined up like little sheep in the corner. Finally, the coral colored one realized, "hey, food" and went and gobbled 'em all up.

    Stupid fish.

  8. Holy Crap!
    That's exactly how the Girl that kicked my ass looked.
    You get one Stomper Truck tangled in a girl's hair and they Freak Out.

  9. It just fits, this girl has
    Cinderella on one wall, horses,
    dinosaurs, bugs on others!
    Good to know there's budding
    body guard in the family.

  10. Nice! My brain saw this picture and seized up right away, even before it found about the getting eaten part.

    Not sure what I'm going to do at work now.

  11. So, I'm just stalking you. Came by to see what's up. Also? You mom comments on your blob? Awesome. Can I have her email? I have ALOT of questions for her.

  12. I just overfed your fish. There's gonna be fish guts everywhere soon.

  13. That's my girl, rock star by day, ass kicking karate girl by night!!!

  14. She's hard core. I would cross the street if I saw that pink death coming my way.

    Also love the maple leaf patch on her little outfit. Go Canada!

  15. she seriously kicks ass. I like that in a girl.

  16. Jen-did you compare my niece to Sarah Palin because we're from the north? You realize we have STRONG DIPLOMATIC TIES with Alaska, right? We share a border with them. I can see it right out my... well, no, I can't. But I could see Washington State. If I climbed up on my roof. And it wasn't cloudy.

  17. Awesome shot. Do you hire her out? I think there are a few people whose brain I want eaten.

  18. there are rumors of legendary ninja who are more powerful than any ninja alive but the truth is that the average ninja gets more ppwerful with each generation, much like artists who learn from the shoulders of their masters.


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.