Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yom Kippur

No time for a post last night so here's a picture instead. This is Connor when he was three years old (2006). We gave him some sunglasses that summer which he would NOT wear no matter what. Once the lenses came out though, well, that was a different story. I always thought he looked like little old Jewish woman in this picture. A half Asian, 3 year old, male, old Jewish woman.


  1. i think he looks like a playright or a your EltonJon. Got to loves the
    glasses. Maybe a fashio guru!

  2. He's adorable! My son loves sunglasses, whether they are his or not. Can't imagine what it would be like to have a child that wouldn't wear shades.

  3. Whom, I'm sure, has much to atone for.

  4. Great picture. The glasses totally make the outfit.

  5. He's a little lady killer for sure. If he starts in with the heavy guilt trips, gets really bloated and starts acting pissy then you might have an old Jewish woman on your hands. No, wait...I mean Elton John. I'm sorry my bad. I always get those two mixed up. Buy him some platform shoes and a feathered boa and he'll be singing Rocketman in no time.

    Great picture :)

  6. what is it with kids and only wanting to play with busted stuff? Well, I guess they're happy at least.

  7. Some sentences just exist in perfection: "A half Asian, 3 year old, male, old Jewish woman."


  8. I'm diggin' those glasses, you must send me a pair. Then I could wear them to pick up my kids from school and embarrass them more than I supposedly already do. Yeah, whatever... I'm a cool mom. That's what I keep telling them anyway... they're not buyin' it.;)

  9. When he starts saying "Oy" and giving you guilt trips then you know the transformation is complete.

  10. Ha ha, great picture! It looks like BOTH lenses are out.

  11. My son chose not to wear his until they were too small for his head. Then he wold wonder why he got headaches.

  12. I can feel the guilt trip oozing through my computer screen already.

  13. "A half Asian, 3 year old, male, old Jewish woman"

    I'm making Buisness Cards as we speak.

  14. I'm going with Elton John. He just needs some rhinestones and hair plugs.

  15. Looks to me like one of those "hipsters" with their carefully crafted ensembles meant to look like they just reached into a dumpster and put on whatever came out, when really they spent hours putting themselves together! (or a half Asian, 3 year old, male, old Jewish woman)- either way- Elton's got nothing on him!

  16. voyl zun - yiddish maybe? for "good son"

  17. I think you and Jenboglass will be two of the three things I would have to take to the island.
    Oy! Look at that punim! Reminds me of the yenta who lived down the block from me back in the Bronx..
    I think it's kizmet, Cap'n, I'm working on a post about how Sprite gets confused for being Asian.

  18. Make it stop...he's so cute I can't handle it. You have a lady killer on your hands Captain, fo sho.

  19. Okay, now you can stop displaying these cute kids around you know that right? You're going to ensight (sp??) a riot over them.


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.