Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thank You, Turkey

Your death was not in vain.


    I'm so wishing I was Canadian right now.....

  2. yumm-o in the words or Rachel Ray. Tony Bourdain would so kick my ass if he heard me say that (nevermind the obscure reference to celebrity chefs)

  3. I have long believed Canada and the US should merge their holidays.

  4. Suddenly the french bread pizza I spent 5 minutes slaving over for dinner tonight lost even more appeal than they did when we were eating them. Got any leftovers? I'm just down here in Portland, OR- I'll be right there! Oh, and my kids don't like turkey, or stuffing, or anything else good, so if you could have some pb&jellys for them to eat and plenty of Diet Coke for me- that would be great. Now... your address?

  5. That does look yummy except for the gravy, I really don't get the whole gravy thing. Hope you had a great holiday. FYI, while you were eating that yummy dinner, I had TRIX for dinner.

  6. Turkey dinner is my favorite. Now I am sooooo looking forward to my turkey day now.
    Enjoy the long weekend.....

  7. I'm with you on merging the holidays. In order to take care of the timing, Thanksgiving will need to last from the second Monday in October to the fourth Thursday in November. My stuffing is better.

  8. Eighth! Jealous! I had cold pizza last night. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be Canadian yesterday.

  9. Just for that, as soon as we deep fry a Turkey down here, I'm going to email you pictures of the crispy, juicy goodness, and then you will wish that you hadn't done this to us, Mister. Because we still have over a month before we are allowed to eat delicious, oversized poultry.

  10. OOOHH Yummy!!! I am so hungry - good job flaunting delicious looking food in front of a pregnant woman! You are SOOO lucky that you are so far away!


Come on, sailor. I love you long time.